Wednesday, October 7, 2009

cubism of a designer

Final Version 3

yet again another final version

Final Version 2

This is a different version. Since I didn't get any feedback this weekend, you can decide which is better...

Final Version One

Okay all you over achievers that actually check this blog this weekend. (nobody?)
I need some advice on this.
I don't think it's working yet.
I think I need to either layer more hands doing stuff
OR eliminate the bottom portion of the image (keyboard, mouse, etc.) all together.
Any advice or suggestions?

Analytical Cubism of a Designer

Taking the concept of hands creating,
from my designer statement "designers create."
I decided to design the hand creating things as we do in the art department.
I want to add more to it. I have started working on a sketched hand sketching.

Synthetic Cubism of a Designer

My design statement is "designers create."
It's very broad, but I think that even this word was designed.
I think it might need a little more articulation, but there are hands cut out of binary code (which speaks about design and creation), holding a world that is cut out of animal and plant parts.

this is my project brief for the cubism assignment

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