Monday, December 7, 2009

facebook ads

the top three are the actual icons that someone would click on, in facebook
the bottom is the splash page that is linked to the icon (when it's clicked)

On the actual splash page, 
it is designed on the "on rollover" command, 
so initially, it appears to be a blank page.
But once you rollover it, 
you realize there is something more to it.
Also, the bottom image is also a link to DOVA's homepage.


Here is my revamped score!  
Maybe third time's a charm.

Monday, November 2, 2009

camera packaging

Here is the cut-out final version of my camera box. 
Sorry, I didn't get a chance to photograph the actual box.

here is my project brief.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bauhaus Posters

final posters with grid overlay

Pictures with the inherent grids

Here are the original 6 pictures

Here are the three bauhaus-like designs for 
the department of visual arts design.

Bauhaus chapter outline

This is my proof that I read the information in the text book about the bauhaus.
Get it? 
For my concept, I tried to emulate a certificate of completion in the bauhaus style with little hints about the period that I learned while reading the chapter. 
The printed version has "Walter Gropius" signature on it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

cubism of a designer

Final Version 3

yet again another final version

Final Version 2

This is a different version. Since I didn't get any feedback this weekend, you can decide which is better...

Final Version One

Okay all you over achievers that actually check this blog this weekend. (nobody?)
I need some advice on this.
I don't think it's working yet.
I think I need to either layer more hands doing stuff
OR eliminate the bottom portion of the image (keyboard, mouse, etc.) all together.
Any advice or suggestions?

Analytical Cubism of a Designer

Taking the concept of hands creating,
from my designer statement "designers create."
I decided to design the hand creating things as we do in the art department.
I want to add more to it. I have started working on a sketched hand sketching.

Synthetic Cubism of a Designer

My design statement is "designers create."
It's very broad, but I think that even this word was designed.
I think it might need a little more articulation, but there are hands cut out of binary code (which speaks about design and creation), holding a world that is cut out of animal and plant parts.

this is my project brief for the cubism assignment

Monday, October 5, 2009


Analytical cubism is usually an image that views all of the aspects of an image on the same plane. It's color scheme is usually black white and neutral tones.

Historical analytical

Modern analytical

Synthetic cubism is usually more colorful. It tends to simplify forms. These forms usually express the spirit behind the object.

Modern Synthetic

Historical Synthetic